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At Outlook Creative, we take our responsibilities to look after your data seriously, and we are committed to protecting your privacy by only collecting personal data that is essential to providing our services to you.

This Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, store and use your data and the steps you can take to control what we do with your data.

Who is responsible for your data?

Outlook Creative is responsible for your data and is the ‘data controller’. Our registered address is The Courtyard, Orchard Hill, Little Billing, Northampton, NN3 9AG. We are registered as a company in England under company number 3630588.

Personal data we may collect about you

  • Your name and contact details you provide when you complete an enquiry form directly on our website, through third-party software or through social media.
  • Historical communications we have had, including any feedback you have given us.
  • Your activity on our website and social media channels.

How we use your personal data

We will only use your personal data if we have a ‘legitimate interest’ in doing so, and we will not unfairly put our legitimate interests above what is best for you.

In the table below, we have set out the different ways we use your personal data and the reasons we rely on for using that data. If we rely on our legitimate interests for using your personal data, we will explain that to you.

Different countries take different approaches to the use of legitimate interests as a reason for processing personal data. We are aware of those different approaches in the countries where we operate, and we take that into account and respect those differences when we process your personal data.

What do we use your personal data for

  • To provide services to you
  • Communicating with you and to send you information about services we are providing you
  • To communicate with you and manage our relationship with you
  • To personalise and improve your customer experience
  • To inform you about our news and offers that we think you might be interested in (see more detail below under the heading ‘How we use your data to personalise the service we offer you’)
  • To meet our health and safety responsibilities
  • To manage risk for us and our clients
  • To obey laws and regulations which apply to us and the way we deliver our services
  • To respond to complaints and to seek to resolve them
  • To run our business in an efficient and proper way
  • To fulfil our administrative purposes, including accounting, billing and audit
  • To improve our services
  • To manage how we work with other companies that provide goods and services to us and our customers
  • To protect our business interests
  • To develop and manage our brand, products and services
  • To test new products and services

Our legitimate interests

  • Keeping our records up to date, working out which of our products and services may interest you
  • Developing products and services and what we charge for them
  • Identifying or defining types of customers for new products of services
  • Being efficient about how we fulfil our contracts, provide our services and fulfil our legal duties

How we use your data to personalise the service we offer you

We use the data we collect about you from different sources and touch points to try to understand more about you and your preferences, so that we can personalise the service we offer to you. We use information collected from enquiry forms, email interaction and phone calls you have made and from cookies. Cookies are small pieces of information stored on your device by the web browser of your device. We use cookies placed on your devices to collect data about your use of our websites. We use the information from these different sources in the following ways:

  • To help us communicate with you.
  • To identify you when you access our websites from different devices

For more information about cookies and how you can manage cookies and remove them, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

Marketing: How to manage the marketing messages you receive

We may send you marketing communications by email if you or the organisation you work for have used our services or we have been in contact in relation to our services. You have not told us you no longer wish to receive marketing emails (opting Out). Our marketing communications include information about our new and existing services, special offers we think you might like, and other services and products that are useful.

If you have previously opted in to receive marketing emails from us but no longer wish to receive them, you can “opt out” by clicking on the unsubscribe link included in all our marketing emails. We will retain a copy of your personal information and your request so that we can make sure you are excluded from the emails when they are sent out.

Opting out of marketing emails does not prevent us from direct emailing where necessary to perform the duties of a contract we have with you.

How long we keep your data

We keep your data only for as long as we need it. How long we need data depends on what we are using it for, whether that is to provide services to you, for our own legitimate interests (described above) or so that we can comply with the law.

We will actively review the information we hold, and when there is no longer a customer, legal, or business need for us to hold it, we will either delete it securely or, in some cases, anonymise it.

How we protect your data

We protect your personal data against unauthorised access, unlawful use, accidental loss, corruption or destruction.

We use technical measures such as encryption and password protection to protect your data and the systems they are held in. We also use operational measures to protect the data, for example, by limiting the number of people who have access to the databases in which your information is held.

We keep these security measures under review and refer to industry security standards to keep up to date with current best practices.

Sharing your data

We share some of your personal data with or obtain personal data from the following categories of third parties:

  • Suppliers who provide services to us: We may share your data with organisations and software suppliers which provide services to us. This could include print fulfilment, email marketing, market research and feedback on our services. We will make sure that our suppliers respect your personal data and comply with data protection laws.

Sending data outside of the European Economic Area

We will only send data outside of the European Economic Area (‘EEA’) to work with suppliers whom we use to deliver services to you or to comply with a legal duty. If we do transfer data outside the EEA, we will make sure that it is protected in the same way as if it were being used in the EEA. We will use one of the following safeguards to ensure that it is protected:

  • Transfer the data to a non-EEA country which has privacy laws at least as protective as those within the EEA
  • Put in place an agreement with the recipient of the data, which means the recipient must protect the data to the same standards as required within the EEA.

Your rights

You are entitled to see copies of all personal data held by us and to amend, correct or delete such data. You can also limit, restrict or object to the processing of your data.

If you gave us your consent to use your data, you can withdraw your consent at any time. You can object to our use of your data where we rely on our legitimate interests to do so. We explained the legitimate interests we rely on in the table above.

To raise any objections or to exercise any of your rights, you can send an email to or write to us at The Outlook Creative Group, The Courtyard, Orchard Hill, Little Billing, Northampton, NN3 9AG.

When you get in touch, we will respond within one month. If your request is more complicated, it may take a little longer to respond fully, but we will acknowledge the request and resolve the issue within two months of your request. There is no charge for most requests, but if you ask us to provide a significant amount of data, we may ask you to pay a reasonable admin fee. We may also ask you to verify your identity before we provide any information to you.

If Outlook Creative decides to change this privacy policy, the changes will be posted on this page.


If you have any complaints about Outlook Creatives processing of your personal information, you can email or write to us at The Outlook Creative Group, The Courtyard, Orchard Hill, Little Billing, Northampton, NN3 9AG.

Contact us

You can use our contact form, email or you can write to us at The Outlook Creative Group, The Courtyard, Orchard Hill, Little Billing, Northampton, NN3 9AG.