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The brief

Two high-profile investment gatherings with global reach.
Two eye-catching exhibition stands to showcase the CBRE IM brand and create an appealing space to meet their hosting and networking needs.

EXPO REAL in Munich and MAPIC in Cannes are two of the most important events in the property and investment world. So, CBRE IM needed a scalable solution to stand out from the crowd and make optimal use of the space at each venue.

From designing and managing the production and installation, to providing on-site support and arranging annual storage, close collaboration would be required at every stage of the process.

Our approach

With venue footprints ranging from 36–120 sqm, we prioritised modularity and scalability from the get-go to make sure our solution could be used for both events (and potentially others). This meant purposefully designing key elements—reception desks, tables, and walling—to work in a range of environments.

Our design plans made sure the CBRE IM branding was clear from all aspects of the stand, including areas created specially to showcase video and graphical elements.

To make sure the design perfectly complemented the brand style, we incorporated light wood panelling and sleek back furniture to double down on the sophisticated, inviting look and feel.


Propelled by positive feedback from the team at CBRE IM, our dedicated event producers worked closely with our build teams to get both stands completed on time and on budget.

The high number of meetings, introductions, and interactions facilitated by the stand across both events highlights the effectiveness of our design and build:


  • 43 CBRE IM attendees
  • 1,856 exhibitors from 36 countries
  • 40,000+ participants from 70 countries


  • 10 CBRE IM attendees
  • 4,500 participants
The Brief

The FA were looking for a fresh creative take on a promotional animation for Club Wembley’s first ever season ticket—The Southview.

The animation would be used on the Club Wembley website and posted on their socials, so it had to be engaging and visually impactful, taking viewers on a journey through the incredible live experiences they could encounter by purchasing this unique 12-month membership offer.

Our Approach

We got straight to work on a creative response that connected all the different types of experiences available—from world-famous sporting events to gigs and concerts.

Having storyboarded the offer’s key USPs, we then stitched eye-catching graphics and existing photography together in a pacey, upbeat edit to showcase the excitement the ticket promises.

The animation was then cut with an inspiring backing track, which brought the visuals to life and enhanced the overall impact.

The Outcome

In short: a sell-out. Not only did we receive some brilliant audience and client feedback; our animation successfully helped the WembleySales team sell every Southview season ticket.

The approach we took for the video’s look and feel proved so effective that it’s since been rolled out across further graphic and animation work for Club Wembley.

The Brief

The Stapleton’s team were seeking a series of upbeat, positive promotional videos for their brand Nexen Tyre—one to raise awareness of tyre safety, another to publicise their lifetime guarantee, and a third to #SpreadSomeCheer at Christmas. 

With national treasure Harry Redknapp as their brand ambassador, our challenge was to develop, shoot, and edit three personality-packed solutions that played on ‘Arry’s trademark character to communicate the intended messages. 

Our Approach

For all three videos, a strong story would be key. We worked to develop scripts that felt authentic to Harry’s voice, creating scenarios including Harry checking the tread depth on his beloved Sandra’s car. 

Given the occasion, the Christmas video took on a different tone. Based on a traditional Christmas poem, we established a comedic contrast between the whimsical, traditional script and Harry’s off-piste ideas for season’s greetings. 

To enhance the festive feel, we used warm tungsten spotlighting while shooting before turning this up a notch with a warm and rosy post-production colour grade.  

The Outcome

The Stapleton’s team were “absolutely chuffed” with the final results and the way in which our collaborative style shaped the filming process. 

The project’s success was evident in the videos receiving great traction, highlighting just how effective an infectious personality and a compelling story can be in increasing the reach of a message. 

The Brief

Accountex is Europe’s definitive event for Europe’s accountancy and finance professionals. As a market-leading brand, Sage is a prominent attendee—so their presence had to stand out from the crowd.

Having set the bar high with our support for the 2022 event, the challenge for Accountex 2023 was to build on this success and capitalise on the 20% increase in footfall.

This meant our end-to-end solution had to be bigger and better than ever. 

Our Approach

Our support extended from initial concepts and creative ideas all the way through to creating the stand’s brand visibility elements and managing the build itself on site.

To achieve Sage’s objective of uniting their brands under one umbrella, we created three dedicated areas: one for demonstrations, another for theatre, and a third and final fun engagement space, which gave quite the kick to brand interaction in the form of a rugby simulator.

Our expert drone pilots captured footage of the three stand spaces and delivered an engaging video edit. We also facilitated the streaming of Sage’s townhall, which was broadcast live from the event to maximise the excitement. 

The Outcome

With 10,000 visitors in attendance, the expectations were so much higher. And we absolutely delivered.

We successfully made the Sage stand the first thing visitors saw when they walked through the door, reflecting Sage’s industry-leading status by owning the show.

The project’s success was rooted in our trademark collaboration and unwavering whole-team commitment to making sure the client is 100% happy with the result.

The Brief

Vestergaard needed full-scale support on a showstopping video to mark their Billionth Net campaign, an incredible milestone on their journey to towards eliminating malaria in Africa.

The video, narrated by Oscar-winning actor Charlize Theron, would be premiered at the UN Headquarters around the UN General Assembly.

Our creative teams would need to cross continents to ensure this poignant short film raised awareness of Vestergaard’s vital mission in an impactful way. 

Our Approach

We needed a strong, memorable idea, with a powerful story to tie everything together. The sobering fact that, every 60 seconds, a child dies from malaria inspired the idea of a countdown—a visual symbol of how, by sharing science, skills, and knowledge, we can #StopTheClock on this statistic.

Having visited four factories in Vietnam and a mass distribution in Uganda, we combed through the footage to make sure we captured the inherently human, emotive tone that would enhance the film’s impact.

In post-production, we then got to work on the audio elements, commissioning a special piece of music to perfectly complement the visuals and voiceover to elevate the storytelling.

The Outcome

We shared the film with the Vestergaard team at first edit who, in their words, were “blown away”. It was clear we’d understood the brief and Vestergaard’s ambition for the film and were fully committed to getting this important message as much reach as possible.

The film premiered inside the UN Headquarters during the United Nations General Assembly in September 2023, and was tremendously well-received.

We were incredibly proud to work with Vestergaard to help communicate their crucial message—most importantly, we hope the film contributes to helping stop the clock on malaria. 

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