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Many of the features that make our website easy to use rely on us understanding how you use (the “Website” and any connected landing pages and social media channels) and remembering the information you freely provide. We do this by gathering small amounts of data each time you visit. This data is stored as “cookies”.

By using our website, you are also agreeing to the use of cookies by us as described below and in our Privacy Policy.

What’s a cookie?

Cookies are small pieces of data that live in your web browser (web browsers include Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari).

Cookies are harmless text files. They can’t look into your computer or read personal information or other material on your hard drive.

The different cookies we use

System cookies are created each time you visit us and are automatically deleted when you close your browser. They remember the fact you’ve visited and the selections that you make as you use the website.

Identification cookies help us remember who you are when you come back to visit us.

Web analytics / Marketing effectiveness cookies collect anonymous data to help us understand visitor behaviour to improve websites. They tell us which bits of the Website visitors use the most and flag any problems so we can fix them quickly. They also tell us how customers find the website (for example, via social media platforms and search engines) so we know how effectively we are marketing.

Cookies for optimising the content shown on our website

We may wish to test a change or new feature on the site to see if it is effective before rolling it out to all our users. Cookies allow a random sample of site visitors to see it one way and a different group another and ensure that you consistently get the same experience on repeat visits.


  • vuid
  • __cf_bm

Google Analytics

  • _ga
  • _ga_62314CWS83

Lead Forensics

  • _lfuuid


  • lidc
  • li_sugr
  • li_gc
  • bscookie
  • bcookie
  • UserMatchHistory
  • AnalyticsSyncHistory


  • _cfuvid
  • hubspotutk
  • __hstc
  • __hssrc
  • __hssc
  • __cf_bm

Your preferences

If you prefer us not to set cookies on our website, you can disable them by changing your internet browser settings. How to do this will depend on the browser you are using; please follow the instructions provided by the relevant browser, usually located within the “Help”, “Tools”, or “Edit” facility.

If you do choose to disable cookies, this choice will only apply to the device you are using at the time. If you want to stop cookies from being set on other devices, you must follow the relevant steps on each device. Please note that disabling cookies does not delete cookies from your browser. You will need to do this from within your browser.

Further information

If you have any questions about this Cookies policy or privacy matters generally, please refer to our Privacy Policy or see the Contact section of our Website.

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Donec convallis vel mauris id elementum. Maecenas faucibus ut elit ac lobortis. Aliquam nec varius metus. Sed auctor ornare ante, vel sollicitudin quam hendrerit pulvinar. Duis facilisis odio eu nisl venenatis dictum eu et purus. Donec purus augue, condimentum hendrerit ultricies eget, tincidunt non est. Quisque sit amet leo dolor. Aliquam id mi vestibulum, pharetra ex sit amet, semper dui. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec id ornare lorem. Nam porta, neque mollis condimentum bibendum, turpis ipsum rutrum orci, non interdum odio augue eget massa. Fusce at orci quis elit accumsan mollis vel eu lacus. Nullam feugiat mi massa, et ullamcorper ipsum suscipit vitae.