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Why face-to-face matters more than ever in our digital world

“Have we become too comfortable with convenience?”

Our Joint MD, John, recently took a trip to Switzerland to catch up with some of our clients (read about it here). It was a valuable visit for lots of reasons—not least because of his now expert-level knowledge of Swiss public transport—and it got us thinking.

With hybrid and remote working becoming more commonplace as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, is the ease of virtual communication actually just moving the dial too far in the wrong direction?

Like everything in life, it’s all about balance—and Teams and Zoom have undeniably brought huge benefits, especially in a more eco-conscious world. But many of us have seemingly convinced ourselves that virtual catchups are more effective.

John’s week in Switzerland gave us a timely reminder that this isn’t always true. But more importantly, it led to two vital conclusions:

  1. You can’t truly add value and elevate a project with creativity until you know your client.
  2. You’ll never fully know your client until you’ve spent time with them in person.

The science stuff

Our discussion about the impact of our boosted screen time set the cogs whirring; surely there’s something scientific in all this? As it turns out, there very much is.

We know that the timeline of human existence on Earth stretches back around 200,000 years. Up until March 2020, the majority of this time has been spent almost exclusively in person.

So, face-to-face interaction is deeply rooted in our biological evolution. More recent findings also show that our behaviour, brain processes, and cognition work differently when we interact in the same physical space.

It’s a chemistry thing. In-person conversations, along with physical gestures like handshakes and hugs, have been proven to release oxytocin—a feel-good hormone that builds trust and fosters social connections.

Which makes sense. It’s much harder to read things like body language and social cues through a screen; we lose the subtlety that’s so key to shaping our dynamics and strengthening our relationships. The task-oriented nature of our virtual meetings also leaves little space for the small talk that helps us feel more connected with one another.

“You can’t truly add value and elevate a project with creativity until you know your client. And you’ll never fully know your client until you’ve spent time with them in person.”

How do we reconcile this with modern-day agency life?

Ours is a people industry. It’s also creative and fast-paced with tight deadlines. Sometimes, we just need to get shit done, pronto, and in these instances, it absolutely makes sense to jump on a Teams call.

But the thing is, it’s not always about productivity or efficiency. Building trust and rapport with our clients is essential for us to do what we do best (transforming creative into reality). And you have to put the work in to make this happen.

We’ve never been an agency to just churn out what our clients ask for without a second thought; we pride ourselves on going above and beyond. But you fundamentally can’t do that well without knowing the person behind the brief.

So, to answer our own question, we think convenience is overrated—and we challenge you to change our minds. Let’s chat about it in person; coffees are on us.

Let’s make ideas happen—together. Visit us in person and experience how collaboration sparks creativity.

Introducing Inside Outlook

In case you missed it, we recently launched Inside Outlook—our first ever outward-facing digital magazine. And we’re really proud of it! It’s the first time we’ve truly flung open the door to our world of creative problem-solving and invited everyone in for a hearty dose of all things Outlook Creative.* 

Have a flick-through while you’re here. It’s full of honest conversations, stories of fulfilling client partnerships, and insights into the thought processes behind our work—essentially, all the things that get the cogs turning. 

But the process of getting here sparked a wider debate. Isn’t a digital magazine a bit of a rogue move? We all have busier lives, shorter attention spans, and more content to digest than ever. It’s a short-form world. Surely no one’s going to read a 60-page magazine? 

We’re going to go out on a limb and say…We think they will. 

Long-form content: the perennial comeback kid 

This isn’t just us blowing smoke up our proverbial. Digital magazines aren’t a new thing at Outlook Creative—our internal magazine, The Outlook, publishes three times a year and receives consistently high engagement rates. In fact, its popularity is what inspired a host of additional longer-form publications (including the one that’s the subject of this article). 

We’re also noticing a growing trend towards long-form content among our clients. We recently won a competitive pitch to work with Salts Healthcare on their The Salts Way campaign. Our proposal for this lifestyle-inspired, nurse-led movement is centred around a campaign linchpin of—you guessed it—a carefully curated magazine. 

Now, these examples may be anecdotal, but the broader point we’re making is echoed by the wider industry and consumer behaviour.  

It’s not news that AI is transforming marketing at a rate of knots. But as a direct reaction to the saturation of uniform and often impersonal AI-generated content, experts predict that human-centric content, storytelling, and making an emotional connection will become more important than ever throughout 2025 and beyond. 

In other words, people are craving authenticity and human stories. Digital magazines (and other longer-form mediums) provide an ideal platform for delivering the depth and meaningful engagement audiences are looking for. 

“People are craving authenticity and human stories. Digital magazines (and other longer-form mediums) provide an ideal platform for delivering the depth and meaningful engagement audiences are looking for.”

The bigger strategic picture 

We’re not saying that long-form content is the be-all and end-all of answering this need for a genuine, trusted voice. What we are saying is: Don’t write it off as part of a bigger strategic picture. 

Because, while a pithy social post, short blog, or video is great for capturing attention, longer-form pieces are where you maintain that interest as part of an integrated cross-channel strategy, meeting your audience further down the funnel with the specifics of how your offering can make their lives easier. It’s also an opportunity to demonstrate thought leadership and authority on a more extensive scale—qualities that build confidence and scratch the authenticity itch.  

So, it’s clear that long-form content is far from dead. It’s actually alive and kicking when used strategically—for example, a digital magazine that offers an interactive, multimedia-rich experience that stands the test of time… 

That’s why we stand by our assertion that we think people will read Inside Outlook. And we’d hate for you to miss out. 

“Long-form content isn’t dead. It’s actually alive and kicking when used strategically—for example, a digital magazine that offers an interactive, multimedia-rich experience that stands the test of time…”

*Everything featured is work our NDAs allow us to talk about. Anything else remains for our respective clients’ eyes only.  

So, there you have it. That’s Inside Outlook. Want to feature in the next issue or have a magazine of your own? Get in touch and let’s chat.

Introducing INSIDE/OUT: a new series offering a unique peek inside Outlook Creative’s extensive capabilities. In a nutshell, it’s all the ways we deliver on our brand promise to make a measurable difference for you.

You won’t find much fancy agency talk here—just pure skills and passion.

So, what happens when you blend trust and flexibility with a dash of creative problem-solving? You get Outlook Creative’s Client Services team. Are you curious about how they do it? Tune in to Episode 2 of INSIDE/OUT: All about the client.

Enjoy the show—and keep an eye out for more episodes coming your way soon. 👀

Nick on Nikon

We love the art of simplicity at Outlook Creative, so I’ll precursor this with a back of a napkin version so you know what to expect: This is all about the power of listening to clients. And I mean really listening.

Because it’s only when we really, properly listen that we’re able to evaluate everything to deliver an approach that not only meets a client’s needs but goes one step further. We do this by showcasing the wealth of our connected capabilities and how, together, they can help drive a marketing and communications strategy forwards in a more unified way.

As you will have seen, we’ve undergone a bit of a brand makeover ourselves. No sooner had we started planning for it than an opportunity to pitch for Nikon landed. It was the perfect opportunity to test some of our initial thinking.

Despite the work not being fully fleshed out, the vision for our new proposition was pretty simple—articulate our wealth of capabilities and expertise via a tight narrative that’s really easy to digest.

Like every brand, it’s vital for people to ‘get it’ but we also wanted to ensure we were in a position for clients to understand what we’re all about—and not just in relation to a channel-specific brief, for example. As a creative agency that’s rooted in production reality with a myriad of in-house skills, we want our clients to understand the breadth of support we can offer. 

It’s this positioning that also segues into the bigger picture of connected experiences. In the context of wooing a potential new client, it’s often a perfect storm of gentle interrogation and the asking of some revealing questions that, you never know, might yield a revealing answer. It’s that vital additional insight that enables the crafting of a proposal that’s a little more exciting and provides some real value.

And what client doesn’t like to receive an agency response that’s nailing the initial ask, but also goes beyond by highlighting other areas that could be exploited for the greater good? 

Sometimes it’s also about taking some calculated risks that, based on our discovery, research and experience, feel relevant and authentic for the client—providing real value that’s specifically designed for them, not a retro-fitted, copy-and-paste job. 

Back to Nikon. Upon receiving the original brief for a small event in Copenhagen, we knew there was also an opportunity to take full ownership of their exhibition programme across Europe. So, we proved efficiencies, consistency and economies of scale through a creative and strategic plan that was bedded in the parameters of sustainable production, logistics and delivery.

Our plan gave the Nikon team peace of mind that we could not only execute an exhibition booth they’d be proud of but do that at scale across the continent, while also considering the integration of communication and content solutions.

We’re a full-service creative agency and, as the context of this conversation was around events, it naturally leaned towards some of our other core capabilities. The way in which we now talk about ourselves also does this—it’s our goal to be a safe pair of hands for clients, whether we’ve worked together for a decade or we’ve just met.

We recently spent a day with all of Nikon’s key stakeholders in Amsterdam. Pete Michels, our Creative Director, and Mark Hadland, Nikon Client Lead, delivered a creative workshop that stripped things back to basics to identify Nikon’s most pressing needs and how we could help—everything from brand and specific market challenges to channel executions.

We’re proud to be working with Nikon and the exciting journey we’ve already taken together has helped build a solid foundation. The relationship is developing organically, driven by our new proposition and inquisitive nature along with our core values: commit, collaborate, create.

From a standing start following a competitive pitch, we’re now delivering all their microscopy exhibitions across Europe. We’re working closely together on all their design and digital output; we’re delivering brand and communication guidelines, along with an event toolkit that drives consistency across Europe while accommodating the nuances of their local markets and the need to deliver various campaigns at different scales.

The toolkit focuses on the implementation of a connected experience strategy and an authentic communications plan to drive richer, more meaningful experiences and refreshed creative and design that pulls everything together. We’re also making sure we can quantify the engagement at each event and can now detail customer journeys that prove the power of certain customer experiences and engagement tactics. 

It’s a rewarding feeling to embark on a new client journey that is truly anchored around elevating and building their brand amongst their customers and industry peers but also their employees across the European business.

If there’s one takeaway, it’s that our new approach has recalibrated our people and our client relationships in a really positive way. We’re all fully charged and ready to embark on whatever you may want to throw at us. 

This goal is a key component of our wider ambition to build an agency that partners with clients for the long-term. Clients that become friends, brands that become ours as much as yours. We want to become an extension of a client’s team—a trusted partner. We thrive on that type of long-lasting relationship and the open dialogue it creates. It takes listening, being inquisitive, and staying proactive in seeking out the next opportunity or challenge for our clients. It’s also what makes us proud to be part of Outlook Creative.

Keen on building a long-term partnership with us? Or want to expand on an existing one? Drop us a line:

Shauna on Stories

If you have ever seen a corporate video or animation that pulls you in and makes you feel something, that’s where the magic of Storytelling has played its part.

Getting your message out isn’t just about throwing out facts and figures; it’s about making those concepts relatable and humanising them. Imagine your brand’s story being told in a way that connects with your audience, breaking down walls and making your message crystal clear. That’s the power of Storytelling done right.

Let’s talk strategy for a second. When you tailor every visual, every word, and every tone to your brand’s identity, you’re not just making a video—you’re making a statement.

You’ve got to keep your viewers hooked to get your message understood. That’s where we excel. We’ll ensure every performance feels real and every scene draws you in, keeping your audience glued to the screen from start to finish.

Watch our Film team talk about the importance of storytelling in Episode 01 of INSIDE/OUT

You’ve got to keep your viewers hooked to get your message understood. That’s where we excel.

But it’s not just about engagement; it’s about creating an experience. Picture your audience walking away from your video feeling like they’ve been on a journey. That’s what we aim for. We’ll craft every detail carefully, leaving a mark that sticks with your viewers long after the video ends.

We’re passionate about Storytelling and bringing your vision to life in a way that leaves an impact. It’s not just a job for us – it’s a mission. We handle everything from the script to the final edit, ensuring your story shines through in every frame. So, let’s work together to weave a story that sticks.

See how we helped Vestergaard share their powerful story.
Got a story to tell? Drop us a line:

We make a promise to our clients that projects will be ‘passionately delivered,’ and we mean it. This is something that my fellow MD and I are… well… passionate about.

You may not be aware, but my background is that of an account handler, and Adam is an event producer by trade. We have been passionately involved first-hand in the delivery of thousands of projects.

Personally, I think it’s a pride thing. When delivering a project, or even a part of a project, I want to be proud of the outcome and how we got there—the easiest way to ensure that is to be passionate about the delivery of the project from the very beginning.

I asked Adam how he felt about it, and he said:

“There’s no better feeling than seeing your hard work, collaboration, and sleepless nights (!) come together to deliver the original vision (and beyond).
It’s a line of thought that our industry is one of the most stressful there is, but I strongly believe it’s one of the most rewarding. It takes a certain individual to work agency-side; passion is a key element. Without passion, the long hours, rounds of amends, and challenges would seem insurmountable. Some call us crazy. Maybe they are right—but we love it.

Passion can certainly be influenced and developed, and being around like-minded people helps keep this burning. Everyone has the potential to be passionate about what they do. As humans, we are intrinsically motivated to master skills, grow, and get excited about the tasks we’re working on. Here at Outlook, one of our core values is collaboration and we believe this is one of the key drivers when transforming creative into reality.”

We are fortunate that there are many other people at Outlook Creative who share this sense of pride in themselves and their team. It shows in the passion which fuels the delivery of their projects.

It’s part of who we are, what we do, and where we will go.

Picture this: in 2023, after much hard work and dedication, we nailed our ISO accreditation for 9001, 27001, and 14001 audits. We’re talking about raising the bar for quality, info security, and sustainability!

It’s been quite the ride. Starting with our dive into ISO 9001 quality standards in 2017, then shifting gears to tackle ISO 27001 for IT and Security in 2020, and now proudly adding ISO 14001 for Environmental and Sustainability to our repertoire. Our journey screams commitment to delivering nothing but the best, always.

But let’s not downplay the effort it took. We didn’t just wake up one morning and tick off these audits. Oh no, it was a year-long journey of meticulous planning and preparation. We’re talking late nights, endless brainstorming sessions, and more sticky notes than we care to count!

See those ISO symbols plastered on our documents? To us, they’re more than just fancy decorations. They’re a testament to our ongoing pledge to keep sensitive info under lock and key, to do our bit for a greener planet, and, of course, to keep pumping out top-notch projects.

Let’s raise a glass to the power of collaboration, to our unwavering pursuit of improvement, and the journey ahead. Here’s to Outlook Creative – where excellence isn’t just a goal. It’s a way of life!

The Art of Connected Experiences

Connected experiences emerge as a beacon of coherence and resonance for brands to stay ‘front of mind’ against the constant background noise of everyone else.

Let’s be clear about what we mean by connected experience. For us, it’s a seamless journey woven with a common thread, enveloping you in a tapestry of emotions and familiarity. That’s the essence of connected experiences—a symphony of touchpoints meticulously orchestrated to evoke profound connections.

In branding and marcomms, this goes beyond transactions; it’s about fostering relationships. Imagine encountering a brand where every interaction feels like coming home—a place where you’re understood, valued, and cherished. That’s the magic of a well-crafted, connected experience.

It’s not just about functionality or aesthetics; it’s about stirring something within, igniting a spark of joy or wonder. Think of those moments when a simple encounter leaves you with a lingering smile or a sense of belonging—the hallmark of a genuinely exceptional connected experience.

Luxury fashion brands and upscale hotels epitomise this ethos with finesse. Step into their world, and you’ll be enveloped in a cocoon of exclusivity and elegance. Each touchpoint, from the ambience to the service, exudes a distinct charm, drawing you deeper into their narrative.

But connected experiences aren’t confined to the realms of luxury; they permeate every facet of our lives. Think of your favourite local coffee shop, where the barista knows your order by heart and greets you with a warm smile. Or perhaps the online retailer that remembers your preferences and recommends products tailored to your taste. These seemingly mundane interactions forge lasting connections and cultivate brand loyalty.

That’s where Outlook Creative stands out the most: we are masters of the connected experience, Transforming Creative into Reality for better audience experiences.

Embark on a journey with us as we lead the charge towards a greener, more sustainable future. Our latest triumph? Achieving ISO 14001 accreditation is a shining beacon of our unwavering dedication to environmental stewardship in the creative sphere.

At Outlook Creative, we’re not just creating; we’re crafting a legacy of responsible creativity. With a firm resolve, we’re sculpting our operations to tread lightly on the Earth while positively impacting our industry. From our products to our practices, we’re committed to minimising our ecological footprint and maximising our positive influence.

But it doesn’t stop there for us. We’re cultivating a culture of environmental consciousness, staying ahead of the curve on regulations, and championing the cause of sustainability in everything we do. Our mission? Not just meet standards but also set them.

Be part of our quest for a better tomorrow. Whether reducing waste, conserving resources, or partnering with suppliers who share our vision, we’re paving the way for a brighter, greener future—one project at a time. Together, let’s create a masterpiece of sustainability that leaves a lasting impression on future generations.

The funny thing about the word “relentless” is that you don’t want to mess around with it. It can carry negative connotations—”the Carolina Reaper seed was relentless when I ‘accidentally’ flicked it in my eye on a dare.”

There’s an intensity we felt was necessary when we discussed our approach to creativity. “Let’s get serious,” we said. “Let’s get disruptive” (a grossly played-out term, we agreed). Let’s communicate that we are passionate and a bit inflexible when it comes to revolutionary creativity. You know what? We are relentless when it comes to our creative. Bold? Yep. Honest? Always. Scary? A little. But we if aren’t pushing and scaring ourselves regularly, we are doing it wrong.

“Creative,” on the other hand, truly belongs to everyone. Sure, the word is knocked around a lot, and some might argue tossed around too much, diluting its very nature. But I don’t believe that to be true. I believe it’s fair to say that everybody is a bit creative. It takes creativity to run a business, mow a lawn, deliver the mail, decode my daughter’s borderline criminal algebra, navigate the Northern Line, tie a shoe. It’s certainly not reserved for “creatives.” We’ve all heard “I’m not a creative person” countless times. People often say it if they feel they are surrounded by “creatives.” It’s a disclaimer. It’s a proclamation. It’s malarkey.

So, what does being relentlessly creative mean to us as an agency?


Strong creativity is our driving force. I wouldn’t be writing this, or even be here, if it wasn’t for our approach to creativity. We use it to breathe life into everything we do, across all touchpoints. It’s this WHOLE-AGENCY APPROACH that sets us apart. Think about that for a sec. Everyone. A select group of highly skilled people, all motivated by a common goal, all using their specialities to develop a better way of doing something, looking at the world, bringing your band experience to centre stage.

We’ve delved deeply into our core motivations (they’re here, [link] by the way), and our approach to creativity is kinda like crafting the perfect pizza from scratch. Meticulously selecting the freshest ingredients, balancing flavours, and considering the preferences of everyone who folds a slice and has a bite. It’s beyond what we create; it’s where we transport you. Mmm.

Sure, that metaphor may stretch thin in places, but you get the idea. It’s a collaborative effort—a mindset we share and strategically use to constantly strive for improvement. It’s what fuels us, sparks innovation, binds us together, and we don’t compromise.

You can be relentless, and you can be creative, but being relentlessly creative is something entirely different. We will continue to throw the word “creative” around, whether it’s overused or not, and so should you.