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FA Club Wembley
The Brief

The FA were looking for a fresh creative take on a promotional animation for Club Wembley’s first ever season ticket—The Southview.

The animation would be used on the Club Wembley website and posted on their socials, so it had to be engaging and visually impactful, taking viewers on a journey through the incredible live experiences they could encounter by purchasing this unique 12-month membership offer.

Our Approach

We got straight to work on a creative response that connected all the different types of experiences available—from world-famous sporting events to gigs and concerts.

Having storyboarded the offer’s key USPs, we then stitched eye-catching graphics and existing photography together in a pacey, upbeat edit to showcase the excitement the ticket promises.

The animation was then cut with an inspiring backing track, which brought the visuals to life and enhanced the overall impact.

The Outcome

In short: a sell-out. Not only did we receive some brilliant audience and client feedback; our animation successfully helped the WembleySales team sell every Southview season ticket.

The approach we took for the video’s look and feel proved so effective that it’s since been rolled out across further graphic and animation work for Club Wembley.

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