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Nexen Tyre
Harry Redknapp videos
The Brief

The Stapleton’s team were seeking a series of upbeat, positive promotional videos for their brand Nexen Tyre—one to raise awareness of tyre safety, another to publicise their lifetime guarantee, and a third to #SpreadSomeCheer at Christmas. 

With national treasure Harry Redknapp as their brand ambassador, our challenge was to develop, shoot, and edit three personality-packed solutions that played on ‘Arry’s trademark character to communicate the intended messages. 

Our Approach

For all three videos, a strong story would be key. We worked to develop scripts that felt authentic to Harry’s voice, creating scenarios including Harry checking the tread depth on his beloved Sandra’s car. 

Given the occasion, the Christmas video took on a different tone. Based on a traditional Christmas poem, we established a comedic contrast between the whimsical, traditional script and Harry’s off-piste ideas for season’s greetings. 

To enhance the festive feel, we used warm tungsten spotlighting while shooting before turning this up a notch with a warm and rosy post-production colour grade.  

The Outcome

The Stapleton’s team were “absolutely chuffed” with the final results and the way in which our collaborative style shaped the filming process. 

The project’s success was evident in the videos receiving great traction, highlighting just how effective an infectious personality and a compelling story can be in increasing the reach of a message. 

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